Are you ready to make your home spotless and sparkling? Your Fresh Start Clean’s professionals are here to help, but there are a few steps you can take to ensure your home is prepared for their thorough cleaning. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process step by step, so you can get the most out of your professional home cleaning service.

Getting Started

Prepare your home with these simple steps.

Clearing Clutter

Before the cleaning experts arrive, it’s essential to declutter your home. Remove any items that may obstruct their path and access to various areas.

Securing Valuables

Make sure to store valuable items like jewelry, cash, and important documents in a safe and secure place. This ensures peace of mind during the cleaning process.

Informing Your Fresh Start Clean

Provide any specific instructions or preferences to Your Fresh Start Clean’s professionals. Whether it’s about pet-friendly cleaning products or special areas of focus, communication is key.

Room by Room Preparation

Prepare each room in your home effectively.


  1. Clear Countertops: Remove appliances, dishes, and utensils from countertops to allow for a thorough cleaning.
  2. Wipe Down Appliances: Give your oven, microwave, and other appliances a quick wipe down.

Living Room

  1. Tidy Up: Put away any magazines, books, or clutter.
  2. Arrange Furniture: Ensure that furniture is arranged to allow access to all areas for cleaning.


  1. Tidy Up: Put away shoes, laundry, and potential tripping hazards on the floor to allow the cleaners to move more easily.
  2. Clear Surfaces: Remove personal items from nightstands and dressers.


  1. Clear Surfaces: Remove toiletries from countertops and the shower.
  2. Provide Supplies: Keep extra toilet paper and cleaning supplies accessible.


  1. Secure Pets: Keep pets in a designated area or ensure they won’t hinder the cleaning process.
  2. Inform About Pet Hair: Let the professionals know if there are any specific concerns regarding pet hair.

Special Requests

  1. Communicate Allergies: If anyone in your household has allergies, make sure to inform the cleaning team.


Can I schedule cleaning if I’m not at home? Yes, you can schedule cleaning even if you’re not at home. Just make sure to provide access instructions and any special requests in advance.

What cleaning products do you use? Your Fresh Start Clean uses quality cleaning products to ensure the best cleaning result. If you have specific preferences or allergies, feel free to inform us.

How long does a typical cleaning session take? The duration depends on the size and condition of your home. Generally, a thorough cleaning can take a few hours.

Do I need to provide cleaning equipment? No, our professionals come fully equipped with all the necessary cleaning supplies and equipment.

Is there anything I should do after the cleaning? After the cleaning, it’s a good idea to inspect the work and ensure you’re satisfied with the results. If you have any concerns, don’t hesitate to communicate them.

What if I need to reschedule or cancel my appointment? We understand that plans can change. Just let us know at least 24 hours in advance, and we’ll be happy to reschedule your appointment.


By following these steps and communicating effectively with Your Fresh Start Clean’s professionals, you can ensure a seamless and satisfying home cleaning experience. Say goodbye to dirt and grime and welcome a fresh, clean home!